
41-38 College Point Blvd. #2A Flushing, N.Y. 11355   Tel: 718-539-3848


團號:229                       綠線團                     ( 天天出發)





(星期日)琉森→米蘭→維羅納→威尼斯 (400公里)

早餐於酒店後, 起程前往時尚之都米蘭, 遊覽多奧莫廣場、維多利亞伊曼紐二世商店街, 巨大的拱形建築和玻璃閃閃生輝的天花板, 富麗堂煌, 多奧莫大教堂, 規模僅次於羅馬的聖彼得大教堂, 極具觀光價值;下午驅車前往羅密歐與朱麗葉故鄉維羅納, 遊覽朱麗葉故居及維羅納古城; 遊罷驅車前往威尼斯,晚宿於威尼斯或鄰近城市。


(星期一):威尼斯→羅馬 (550公里)

早餐於酒店後, 起程赴世界十大旅遊勝地之一有「水都」美譽之威尼斯, 抵達後乘「水上的士」前往聞名的聖馬可廣場, 遊覽充滿拜占庭色彩的聖馬可教堂, 連接宮殿和監獄的嘆息橋、昔日最繁忙的大運河及充滿特色的購物小巷, 團友更可自費乘坐地道特式貢多拉平底船, 暢遊於運河間欣賞水都風光, 稍後前往著名的玻璃工藝廠, 參觀威尼斯數百年歷吏製玻璃工藝的過程;下午起程前往「永恆之都」意大利首府羅馬,晚宿於羅馬或鄰近城市。


(星期二):羅馬→梵蒂岡→佛羅倫斯 (280公里)

早餐於酒店後, 遊覽羅馬名勝包括:建於公元七十二年的文化精髓鬥獸場、君士坦丁凱旋門、宏偉莊觀的統一紀念館及有許願泉之稱的德維雷噴泉; 隨後遊覽羅馬城中之國梵帝岡這個全球最小的國家, 參觀全球第一大教堂聖彼德大教堂, 這座建於歐洲文藝復興時期的偉大建築集意大利最出色的建築及藝術家結晶歷時一百二十載才建造而成, 大教堂圓頂結構完美, 廣場氣勢宏偉莊嚴令人嘆為觀止, 教堂內有聖彼得的墓, 天才藝術大師米高安哲奴唯一刻上名字的雕刻作品「母愛」仍存放於教堂內; 下午起程前往被譽為文化搖籃的佛羅倫薩, 是晚住宿於佛羅倫薩或鄰近城市。


(星期三):佛羅倫薩→比薩→熱那亞 (550公里)

早餐於酒店後, 遊覽佛羅倫薩, 從山丘上的米高安哲奴廣場, 俯覽佛倫薩全貌, 欣賞這個充滿文藝氣氛的美麗城市; 更遊覽市內名勝包括:建於十三世紀全球第三大教堂的聖母無原罪之花教堂及安奴河上中世紀黃金交易處之拱橋、安葬意大利名人米高安哲奴、達文西及著名物理學家咖里略的聖十字教堂。聞名世界的意大利皮革業及製皮技術源出於此, 團友可籍此機會到皮革公司選購實用的皮革製成品。下午前往比薩, 遊覽舉世聞名的比薩斜塔, 參觀建於九百年前用白色雲石建造的比薩大教堂及洗禮堂, 斜塔原是比薩大教堂所屬的鐘樓, 不料地基不穩, 又幾百年斜立不倒, 成為一個饒有趣的名勝, 遊罷驅車前往港口城市熱那亞, 是晚住宿熱那亞或鄰近城市。


(星期四):熱那亞→蒙地卡羅→尼斯→康城(嘎納)→阿 (450公里)

早餐於酒店後, 起程朝法國南部蔚藍海岸進發, 中午時份安抵小國摩納哥 (蒙地卡羅), 背山面海的賭城蒙地卡羅風景優美, 是世界富豪響往的渡假天堂、遊覽摩納哥皇宮及富麗堂煌的大賭場。遊罷轉赴休閒渡假勝地尼斯, 遊覽天使海灣及英人漫步大道; 隨後轉赴以舉辦影展而聞名於世的康城 (嘎納), 到影展舉辦場地拍照留念, 印滿手印的石板大道更見證揚威國際巨星在康城留下的風采。法國南部是香水盛產地, 途中經過盛產香水的小鎮, 順道到香水製造廠參觀, 團友可趁機挑選自已最愛的香水; 下午離開蔚藍海岸驅車朝普羅旺斯方向, 是晚住宿於阿農或鄰近城市。


(星期五):阿農→巴黎 (700公里)

早餐於酒店後, 旅遊車沿高速公路直指巴黎, 預料黃昏時份安抵花都; 晚宿於巴黎或鄰近酒店。

團費每人: $ 700 ( 二人一房)        費含: 車資, 酒店, 專業導遊










Saturday : Paris – Lucerne (650 km)

Today we will drive ahead from Paris to Switzerland, During our drive to Switzerland, we will travel through France and Germany, prior to driving through Basel, Switzerland. We will arrive in Lucerne in the early evening and overnight in Lucerne or in a city nearby.   


Sunday : Lucerne – Milan – Verona - Venice  (400 km)

After breakfast, drive to the world’s famous fashion city – Milan. We enjoy the orientation tour including Sforza Castle, further the gothic Duomo, the 19th century Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and the “La Scala” opera house. After enjoy the gorgeous architecture, drive takes us to Verona, a city full of historical building, and romance…….We will enjoy the orientation on foot, including the Roman amphitheatre – Verona Arena, passing the most relaxing small streets, we will visit the setting of the story of Romeo and Juliet, the short passageway leading to the balcony is covered with slips of paper carrying their graffiti. Then we are transfer to Venice, the “city of canals”. We stay and overnight in Mestre or a city nearby.


Monday : Venice – Rome  (550 km)

After breakfast, waterbus will take us along the canals past many marvellous architectures and churches, to San Marco Square. here we will see the Basilica di San Marco, one the best known example of Byzantine architecture, also we will see The Bridge of Sighs, connects the old prison to the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace. Then after witnessing a demonstration of Murano glass-blowing. Perhaps a gondola ride to the Grand Canal would be hard to resist. In the afternoon, transfer to Rome or nearby city for overnight


Tuesday : Rome – Vatican - Florence  (280 km)

After breakfast, we will be transfer to a tiny sovereign state, heading to the largest Church in the smallest country in the world, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican, built as a great basilica by Emperor Constantine in AD 324 after he officially recognized Christianity, rebuilt construction started in the year 1506 and was completed in 1615, the basilica in itself is an artwork composed of many artistic elements by many famous architects and artists included. After lunch, we will enjoy our sightseeing includes The Coloseum, built in the year AD72 for the gladiatorial combat against each other or animal to the death; The Arch of Constantine, The Pantheon, which was originally built as a temple to all gods, but has been a Christian church since the 7th century. Then why not make a wish at the Trevi Fountain like the film “ Three coins in the Fountain ”, and enjoy the relaxing tour at Spanish Square. Later, transfer to Florence or nearby for overnight.


Wednesday : Florence – Pisa - Genoa  (550 km)

After breakfast, we visit around Florence, the city is often considered the birthplace of the Italy Renaissance, and famous for fine art and architecture. After enjoy the panoramic view from Piazzale Michelangelo, a sightseeing tour on foot features the Ponte Vecchio over the Arno River, Duomo and Campanile Tower (by Gitto), and also Uffizi Gallery , one of the finest art galleries in the world. After the sightseeing, why not find your favourite leather goods in your leisure time, as the Italy famous leather industry was originally built in here. Later, drive will take us to Pisa, enjoy an orientation on foot and photo at the Leaning Tower,. Also the site of the beautiful Duomo (the Cathedral) and the Baptistery. After, transfer to Genoa or a city nearby for overnight


Thursday : Genoa – Monaco – Nice – Cannes – Avignon  (450 km)

This morning we will take our journey along the Mediterranean Sea to Monaco, enjoy the breathtaking scenery and visit a small country with big attraction, with visiting the grand palace and famous casino in Monte-Carlo. Then a brief stop at Nice for short orientation. Later we drive to Cannes with passing by a famous perfume town, also include a visit to the Fragonard Perfume Factory. After the fragrant trip, we will Cannes, which has given out the most prestigious film award here, stop for a photo at the Palais des Festival and enjoy a relaxing near the beach. Tonight we stay in Avignon or a city nearby for overnight


Friday : Avignon – Paris  (700 km)

Our day begins with a drive direction to Paris, enjoying the drive across the beautiful scenery and go into Italy. At night we arrive Paris and stay overnight there or nearby